Bets for Pets!
Bets for pets is our biggest fundraiser of the year!!
WHEN?: Saturday, August 25th, 2018
WHERE?: Omega Tau Sigma House (1585 Wire Rd. Auburn, Al 36832
WHAT?: Raffles, Silent auction, Roulette, Black Jack, Craps
ALL proceeds benefit the animals of Macon County!
Want to get more involved?
Be a sponsor
Donate an auction item!
Sponsorship (2 levels)
Platinum level: ($500)
event attendance (4) - $500 play chips per person​
Advertising - largest size name and logo on web/social media/radio/event signage/posters/casino table
10 raffle tickets
4 t-shirts
facebook posts specifically promoting plantinum level sponsors (individually)
free adoption certificate
Premium level ($250)​
event attendance (2) - $500 play chips per person​
Advertising - medium size name and logo on web/social media/radio/event signage/posters/casino table
5 raffle tickets
facebook posts recognizing premium level sponsors
50% off adoption certificate
Donations of auction item(s):
We are asking for donations of auction items! It can be anything!
​Item(s) from store/company
Gift certificate/cards
If you have any questions or concerns, please email us!!